Bath Dates

This girl wants a special date every single day.  But not just ANY special date.  A special date in the bath, where we use good smelling bubbles, put on face masks, and put on a youtube video that talks about good skincare regimens.
And every single day she asks for this type of special date — I’m in!


Navy is gaining on Great Grandma!
We think the height race is neck and neck, but it won’t be long before Navy is looking down to have a face to face with her Great Grandma.
Uh Oh!

Kid Painting

We tried to take pictures, so we can have someone paint a picture of the kids.  We like the idea of it being on the beach, where the kids are in action.  And although we loved the colors in this photo, and the lighting was great…this is the best we got — and we aren’t sure it is exactly what we want.
So we will try, try again.

Jerk Alert

I wasn’t sure why I heard weird sounds out of the boy’s bedroom.
But then I saw this:
And then this:
Apparently, when Dash was hiding from Scout, Dash got played by Scout with a stick through the handles of Dash’s closet.
Scout thought it was hilarious.
I say…”jerk alert!”

Come Follow Me Discovery

Come Follow Me is a very bittersweet thing in my life.  Sometimes, it generates amazing discussions and insights.  Sometimes it is straight out of the circus!
Today, after I - the ringleader of the circus - tried to teach and discuss, Pippi insisted that she teach a part by herself.  Pippi’s part was long — really long.  I think we were all zoning out a bit, when she exclaimed something!  We all perked up to what she called her “discovery”.
When she had all of our attention, she said, “I just figured out when he raised his hand to answer my question, that Scout has armpit hair!!!”
We were dying!
Who knew!!

Natural Beauty

I got this glimpse of Navy today, and I immediately thought two things.
First…she is SO grown up.
Second…she is stunning!


Ure/Samuelian 2.0!

Doey’s Farewell

Someone got added to the missionary tree today!
My kids…
and Micah and I are really sad to say goodbye to Doey for a year and a half.
Dominican Republic…you are lucky to have her!!
(Update: Corona Virus 2020 hit, and she was forced home after a few months of the Mexico MTC.  Sad for the DR….but great for us!)

A Live Student

Pippi graduated from teaching her furry friends today — to having a real live student.
And Blush was a perfect pupil.

Dash’s Baptism

Dash’s baptism was awesome.
It was a family affair, and Dash wanted it to be that way.
Dash chose Bryan to baptism, because “Bryan is the closest man to God he knows”!
Navy gave a great talk about baptism.
Then Pippi sang “Liken the Scriptures”, and did the sweetest job.
At the end, Dash got up and sang the end with her, and it was so perfect.
Dash was then baptized.
And Scout and Navy got to be the witnesses — which was really cool.
While Dash was getting changed, they all got to watch the baptism video I made for Dash — which was awesome!
Then Scout gave a talk on the Holy Ghost.
B also confirmed him, and gave him one of the sweetest blessing I have ever heard.  He talked all about how Dash was such an awesome boy, and how he is such a great addition to our family.  He also said to look for in a spouse, the qualities he sees in his mom, and I got super emotional.  Dash is going to grow up to be pretty spectacular.
It was such a spectacular day.  So many people were in town for it, and I absolutely loved how it was Dash and his siblings doing everything — with B as the cherry on top!
I love you Dash.