Broken Wrist

Spencer took Dash to the skate park.  When they got home, Spencer showed me Dash’s wrist and said he thought it could possibly be broken.  Although he wasn’t sure, because Dash said he hurt it right when they got there, and he skated the whole time.
When I looked at it, it looked a little sketchy, so we headed to Carruthy, who pointed us to the hospital.
When we were driving over, Dash told me that he took a few falls after he injured it, and tears came to his eyes from the pain, but he never cried.
The hospital tried to give him medication for the pain, and Dash kept saying he didn’t need it.
Dash went in to XRays, and as soon as they came up, I saw it.
A clean break.
The doctor was even a little surprised it was broken, because he said that when Dash said he didn’t need medicine, he knew that he probably just hit it really hard to swell up.
So he got temporarily casted — and we were sent on our way.
When I sent a picture of the break to Spencer, he wrote back, “He is maybe the toughest little kids I have ever seen. I didn’t even know he was hurt, until I saw him struggling to get his helmet off and offered to help him when we were leaving the skate park.  Then we went to In-N-Out for 45 minutes, and he didn’t make a peep.”
I love all compliments about my kids — but when it is about them being kind, good or TOUGH — those take the cake!


Every time I see Navy lately, she is getting crafty!
Today, she cut up a blanket and sewed and glued it to have a bunch of pockets all over it.  It is intended to go over the back of my seat in the car — and will provide her with an organizer, where she can put all of her special things she needs for the car in it.
The final product was great.  In fact, all of the others kids were putting in requests to have one made for them.  UNTIL…hers kind of fell apart and ended up in the trash the next day.
I told her that the great inventors didn’t do it in a day!
But unlike Alexander Graham Bell, and Benjamin Franklin who persisted until they got it right — Navy quit her side hustle of car organizers.
(And I was a teeny bit happy, because she cut up one of our good blankets!)

Navy’s Work

Highest grade in the class!


I needed a head shot from Pippi to put on our wall next to each of the kid’s baptism pictures.  Although Pippi is so stinking cute — the lighting was a little off, and they were not a slam dunk.  But I did like them in black and white…too bad I wasn’t looking for a black and white.
But the few candid shots I got of her running across the top of the jetty, were may favorite pictures of the bunch.
And my favorite “selfie”, was the one Pippi insisted on!


Navy and I have been on a major art kick lately.
It started off with a piece of art that we were going to get for our house, but when I saw the price tag, I said, “I can paint that!”
Here is that painting.
It is fine.
It is actually hanging in our family room as I type — but only as a place holder for a future piece we love!
I copied, but added the peony bush, the flowers, and the seven black sheep — representing the folks who live here.
I know it isn’t great — but not bad for randomly paining one afternoon.
But check out Navy’s stuff.
She is talented!
Her bowl of cherries in watercolor!
Her lime in oils.
Her freehand sunset in acrylic.
And her baby feet in colored pencils!
She is so fun to watch as she gets in the zone — and creates!
Here is my watercolor popsicle…
And some sort of mountain/lake scene in oil.
Navy is way better — but we have the best time painting!

Mr. Sunshine

Dash told me this morning, that their class had crazy hair day today.  I told him he had to let me do my thing — because we only had 5 minutes before the car left.
So in 5 minutes…I present…
Mr. Sunshine…Mr. Golden Sun…Please shine down on HIM!

Star Students

I think Britni and I were both impressed that these twinners could sit so still and listen to their “teacher”.
We told Pippi to keep teaching…all night long!

Problem Solver

When there were ear-piercing beeps, Scout saved the day.  He got a new battery, then balanced a ladder on top of our block holder, and carefully replaced the battery.
Part of me was very sketched.  But that was overshadowed by how impressed I was with his capability.


When Pippi “teaches” we die laughing, because she is one strict mama!  She is very patient and kind, and then she goes into her Chinese, and starts getting really frustrated with her “students”!  It is hilarious.
I took my camera out and snapped a picture, because at this moment, she went into her Chinese tirade, and then pointed at one of her stuffed animals, and said, “IT IS CALLED RESPECT!  R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!!”  Then some more Chinese followed to finish it off!
She is classic.  But it is eye opening to see what she is hearing and seeing at school!

Witch Heels

When Pippi got high heels for Christmas, she was so excited.  Who knew that they would be her go to shoe for the next few months.
Even today — when she went to school.  I was sure I would get a call from the teacher for me to bring different shoes to Pippi…but I got no such call.  In fact, I had several parents tell me how they were so impressed with how well Pippi could walk and run in high heels.  Her teacher said that was planning on calling if Pippi complained, but that Pippi didn’t miss a beat with her witch heels!  When I picked her up from school, she was beaming with pride over her day in “high boot heels”.
See what I mean!
Tonight, she was in a completely different outfit, and what do you know — she was in her high heels…sound asleep on the floor!