I don’t know how…but this is the only picture I have from Christmas and Christmas Eve this year!
Somehow, everything got deleted, and I am crushed!
But thank goodness I have proof that we had Christmas.
Christmas Eve was spectacular — as always.
Christmas never disappoints — and this year was no exception!
The kids got surfboards…which was so exciting!
Nonnie hooked them up.
We got them all wetsuits.
(I guess there was a theme.)
They also got amazing stockings from Megan.
Micah and I made breakfast this year…and I nailed the eggs while he nailed the bacon.
Tristen did our diet coke run.
I put together a mid-day cheese plate.
We opened until it was dark.
And of course…the greatest tradition of all…operation CUC (pronounced kook) was in full swing.
We even capped off operation CUC with a zombie hunt!
Like always…it was the best day of the year!
Sadly…365 days until we get to relive it.