Today was the perfect beach day.
The tide was really low, so the kids spent hours searching through the tide pools for treasures.
The kids found a bunch of octopus, tons of starfish, and lots of massive sea cucumbers.
Then when that got boring…
The kids paddled out.
And caught waves together!!!
How awesome.
And then there were the stooges!
1/3 of a brain each!
Three days after Christmas, and after getting their new surfboards, we headed to the beach.
The little rolling waves were perfect for the day.
And it all panned out!
Navy caught her first wave ever, and she and Scout rode in on several waves together!
It was awesome to see!
Bella came down and met us at the water…but Posey thought it was all a little too cold.
It’s official!
These three are surfers.
Even if Dash’s idea of riding a wave, is getting in the middle of flat water and balancing on his board!
And our caddy did a great job of getting the boards all back in the car in one piece.
I don’t know how…but this is the only picture I have from Christmas and Christmas Eve this year!
Somehow, everything got deleted, and I am crushed!
But thank goodness I have proof that we had Christmas.
Christmas Eve was spectacular — as always.
Christmas never disappoints — and this year was no exception!
The kids got surfboards…which was so exciting!
Nonnie hooked them up.
We got them all wetsuits.
(I guess there was a theme.)
They also got amazing stockings from Megan.
Micah and I made breakfast this year…and I nailed the eggs while he nailed the bacon.
Tristen did our diet coke run.
I put together a mid-day cheese plate.
We opened until it was dark.
And of course…the greatest tradition of all…operation CUC (pronounced kook) was in full swing.
We even capped off operation CUC with a zombie hunt!
Like always…it was the best day of the year!
Sadly…365 days until we get to relive it.
I am pleased to report, that at the Denison Christmas gift exchange, I nailed my gift.
And I am pretty sure that my father in law agrees!
I mean…who wouldn’t want to get all wrapped up in a cozy blanket?
We started a new tradition this year in our own family.
The six of us pick names, and get a gift for that person.
It was really fun to see the kids be so thoughtful about their person.
Since we do it on the eve of Christmas Eve, we have named the tradition Christmas Eve Eve!
I was trying to help Dash figure out his gift for dad, but he said it was all figured out at the school holiday sale.
Micah was elated with his own bucket for his office desk, and mints for him to keep at his office!
Now that was a special gift!
Pippi got Navy “make your own snow”!
Dash got his very own hammock from Scout.
Pippi got a Fairy Tale Theater from Dad.
Scout got new rollerblades from me.
and I got some eye serum I had been eyeing at Sephora from Navy!
It was honestly a blast. To see my kids think and think about what to get someone else…and then to earn the money for it was awesome to see!
Bar None…this is the best Christmas Card we got this year!
I have been looking for a way to rid ourselves of our “Elf on the Shelf” for the last three years.
My Christmas miracle came today!!!
In the guidelines, it is very clear that you can NOT touch your elf, or the magic is gone.
So after telling Pippi this rule many times, she finally took the plunge.
She rag-dolled Krispy.
So I gathered all of the kids around to make the announcement.
I said, “hear ye, hear ye….our elf has lost his magic because Pippi didn’t follow the rules. Now Krispy is a commoner. Fell free to touch and play with Krispy as much as you’d like, as he has now become a lonely doll in our home.”
Pippi was embarrassed.
Scout laughed.
Dash was upset.
And Navy was on to me.
Great Grandma has always made and brought my kid’s favorite dish to every family party.
Lately, the musubi has gone missing, because it has become too much work for her. We asked her if she ever felt up to it, maybe she could teach Scout and Navy how to make it, so they could be the musubi makers.
So today was the class.
Great Grandma (and Auntie Gail) set it all up, and gave them each a musubi maker.
She patiently showed them how to do it, and helped them as they made a bunch.
It really was a fun family affair.
Dash even got in on the action with Auntie Gail’s help.
The end product was great!
And what a great afternoon to always have in the memory bank.
Thanks Great Grandma.
Made By Dash
I’ve always loved a kid art project. But this one - elevated by Dash to fancy up our front door - might be a favorite.
Thanks for helping him Navy.
Thanks for giving him 100% credit Navy.
Nice work Dash.
What always sounds like a fun night (driving around looking at Christmas lights) is always a really crazy night!
I wonder if this is really a necessary tradition each year.
Then I get my kids, the Seastrands, and now Bella’s kids asking when we are going…so we always go.
And somehow..the dads hang out at home.
This is all a little screwy.