It was a bittersweet day when Dash asked to sign up for soccer.
Sweet because I love a boy who knows what he wants.
BITTER because every Saturday for the next three months just got trashed.
His first practice went well, and he literally came off the field in an ear to ear smile!
Check out what my little creator made today…
Only the cutest “Fan Bow” I’ve ever seen.
She sported it all day, and it was hearty. It held up to the elements, the action, and even the impromptu dance party we had this afternoon.
Poor little Pips was out playing with the neighbors a few days ago. Sydney accidentally backed up and tripped over Pippi, and Pippi was hysterical. She cried so hard. I kept reassuring Sydney and her mom that she was just tired, and it was no big deal. That was until I went in the house, and took off her outfit for a bath. Her poor little forearm was a huge sore. Little Pips wasn’t being dramatic like I had thought. She had a raw arm. Good thing it scabbed over, and now it is just an eyesore for now. And probably the next month or two.
After a morning of scootering.
An afternoon of playing with friends.
A princess just needs to take a rest.
I know kids go through phases, but this one is crazy!
Dash is always upside down.
At home, he is constantly doing head stands against the wall, or attempting freestanding handstands.
And in the car, I always see the above scene in my rear view mirror.
I can’t tell you the amount of times we have had the seat belt lecture, but he tells me that he just really likes to be on his head, and can he put it on “while doing a head stand”?
These two have quite the special bond.
I don’t care at all — even if she does wriggle her way into the middle of us and scoot me off the bed!
Honestly, these days every birthday is just a big blur. But I do remember two key moments:
When Scout woke up and made me these delicious cookies from scratch. And they were amazing! AND he had the kitchen spotless before they were done, because he said I always say, “The sign of a good cook, is one who keeps their kitchen clean”! Well, Scout you are definitely a GOOD COOK.
My other highlight was this song that Navy wrote for me. She actually performed it for me as my gift, and it goes to the tune of “Mother when I see you Smile”.
The lyrics go:
“Mommy when I go to school. All I do is think about you. And when I think about you, I think all I want to do when I grow up…I want to be just like you! And when I say just like you, that means to hade four kids and a great house and a great husband and a great mom which I already have one. And when I say I already have one, THAT MEANS YOU!”
Yep…it was a perfect birthday with those two doosies.
I was so spooked out when this big pink mass came towards me. Was it an intruder? Was it a girl burglar?
Or was it a bunny rabbit, with the cutest little teeth poking out!
Good thing Micah has long arms and legs, because three is pushing it.
But not today, when the giggles of delight were in full force.
There go three pieces of my heart.
I hate when school is in session.
Good thing a fourth piece of my heart is still home with me.
That fourth piece is ready to join the big kids, and made sure to be well-seen at Dash’s ice cream social, because “this is almost [her] school”.