
There is something about those long lashes and lips that I love.
She just seems so feminine to me.
A far cry from Navy — the toughest and roughest of them all!

Inside Out

Good thing I caught her clothing malfunction before she headed into class.
Poor girl has to get dressed in the back seat each week — no wonder!

Morning Frolics

It isn’t often that all of the kids eat breakfast together on a school day.  But this was one of those rare days.
We caught Scout for cereal (and day old balloons), and after he left, the other weasels and I spent some time frolicking.
Dash spent a bunch of time “going to shoot you”.
Somehow he has his wires crossed, and always shoots himself instead.
Navy was practicing rollerblading.
She is DYING to get good.
But after a few mishaps, she “roller-scootered” instead.
Poor Dash spent a bit of time in his stomping grounds as of late — time out.
And this sweet thing?
She watched while it all went down!

Mary’s Birthday Party

Scout was invited to Mary’s (a girl in his class that is in love with him) birthday party.  He was the only boy.  So I decided to let him go.  But naturally, his entourage went along as well.  Navy, Dash, the Pips and I had a blast celebrating Mary alongside Scout!

Pantry Helper

For Christmas, I gave Nonnie a clean pantry by March 1st.
What an Idiot I am!
Talk about a serious undertaking!
Good thing I have the best cleaner on Earth — in house!
Because the outcome with Navy’s help was nothing short of an amazing transformation.

Big Bear ‘14

Our Tacky Lackys invited the Deckers and us up to Big Bear for a fun weekend.
There was Food, UNO, Alpine Slides, Nature Walks, Talent Shows, and great Friends.
It was surprisingly fun for a quick jaunt away.
Dash sported my beanie from when I was little.
Rock throwing was a hit.
For all ages!
Amidst our California drought, there was only snow on the slopes.
Which made it fun for the kids to run and play.
I think the favorite was the Alpine Slides.
Navy went with Micah and they had a great time.
Scout rode solo which he died over.
Dash and I rode together, and I got a video of him that is priceless!
Our final stop was the Spaghetti Factory, where we feasted on some delish broccoli, and the kids created obnoxious straws.
Thanks Tackys for a great time!


You got to love a big brother reading to his little sis.
Especially when the book is called “HUG”.

Movie Time

These four are joined at the hip lately.
Good thing they let Pippi in for a showing of Little Rascals.

Ladies Man

I went to watch Scout at his school performance when the principal stopped me and said, “I had a talk with Scout today.”
I said, “Let me know what it was about so I can reinforce it at home.”
And then she said, “Scout….he REALLY loves the ladies.”
Oh crap.
But then she said she had to tell him to stop chasing the girls at school because they didn’t like it.
Apparently he was really receptive and respectful.
Good, but since I had already talked to him about this exact subject, I went over to repeat myself LOUD AND CLEAR.
But as I went over to him, while he was with all four of the 1st grade classes on the risers waiting for their second performance to start, I couldn’t see Scout.  Then as I walked closer, I realized that he was there….on the ground doing push-ups while Mary (a girl from his class) was sitting on his back, giggling and counting how many he was doing.
Oh crap!
Fast forward to the very next day as I went to the school to read in the library.
I walk by the principal again.
“I had another talk with Scout today.”
Oh crap!
She “saw a group of boys playing really rough and fighting on the playground.  [She] went up to them and told them that they weren’t being respectful to each other and would have to pick a different activity.”
Then Scout came forward and said, “Mrs. Scholl….I created a chasing club and yesterday you told me we couldn’t chase the girls.  So we stopped.  And today, I created a ‘fake fighting club’, and now you are telling us we can’t do this?!  What CAN we do?”
She thought it was really funny and “admires Scout’s leadership qualities”.
Nice twist!
I asked her if they “bench” people at recess, and that I was all for him being in trouble if needs be.
She told me she liked the kids to be more active if they get in trouble, so she gives them a trash bag and has them pick up a bag of trash around the lunch tables before playing again.
You mean to tell me that the six times Scout has come home to tell me a “Hero Story” from his day, that involved him picking up a bag of trash around the lunch tables “to make it nice and clean”, was really a punishment in disguise?!

Pippi’s Morning

Pippi has pretty standard mornings around here.
It goes kind of like this:
Dressed and fresh.
Spit Up.
Her latest favorite — the jumper.
Kisses all around.
Back to bed.