Poison Oak
So when he came home he bitterly and sweetly announced he had Poison Oak.  He made me call Seth to see if he got it too, and Seth hasn’t.  (Apparently they were on the same side of the tram he thinks he got it from).  He was glad to show me he really wasn’t imagining it, and there really was something to this rash.  So we googled it, and found a great resource for Poison Oak that included a Q & A page.  Some interesting things we found out:
Q:I have Poison Oak! What do I do?!A:Well, you can suffer. That’s about all you can do. (Interestingly enough, if I remember correctly, that was my exact advice……”just leave it alone and your body will heal itself.” hmmmmm.)

Other Remedies

Some people find vinegar compresses or rubbing alcohol helps. I know at least one person who said it will feel better if you pee on it. (Good luck with that one!)
Q: Does Calamine lotion help?

A:Not really. It may help a bit for minor affliction, but is basically worthless. Hydrocortisone is pretty useless as well. Some poeople can find relief from these products. If you can, good luck. But if it is bad, what you want is Prednisone.  (SHOOT ME NOW!  I REFUSE TO LIVE IN A HOUSEHOLD WITH ANOTHER PERSON ON PREDNISONE!)


Because Poison Oak is one of the worst afflictions mankind must suffer, there must be rules of etiquette for dealing with it. (I am wondering if Micah created this website….give me a break!  By the way, he wanted me to print this page out, so he can have it on hand and point out where I am lacking.)


  • You may not joke about it.  (Whoops)
  • You cannot say, “Don’t you know what it looks like?” (Doesn’t everyone?)
  • You may not offer your advice on how to treat it. (Whoops)
  • You must show nothing but sympathy, and if it is feigned it must seem genuine.  (Whoops — I can’t fake it)
  • Absolutely no smirking! (I was smirking at something else!  But when he started taking all of the sheets off the bed to wash them, I had a giggle that could not contain itself!)
  • You are not allowed to intimate that the person who has Poison Oak deserved it, or is afflicted due to incompetence on their part.(I guess calling it a “Karma Rash” was a bad idea)

Apparently I failed the etiquette part.  They don’t mention it, but I need clarification……when he says “in my reading, I found out that I am just supposed to take it easy on the couch all day long” is rolling your eyes rude?  Buck up Buttercup, and start cleaning the garage!