
Summer is officially here!  Last summer, Micah and I discovered the Dana Point Summer Concert Series, and had a blast at them.  Each Sunday afternoon, Micah head down to the Dana Point Harbor to have a picnic and listen to some fun music.  There is a serious turn out with hundreds -maybe even thousand- of people there.  They have a different theme each week such as rock and roll, reggae, classic rock or cover songs. 


This year Micah found out that there are summer concerts in a lot of cities.  So he put together a calendar of where each was, and what genre the music was.  A little overboard -I Know!  But because of his calendar, we hit up the “Music Under the Stars” in San Juan Capistrano wednesday night.  My mom, Tristen, Calin, Skylar and most importantly…Scout joined in on the fun. (He hung out in Belly’s pirate holder -see picture)  Beyond the music, there were local vendors, and local restaurants like the Sundried Tomato, and Cedar Creek Inn had food available. 

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All of the girls but my mom got up and danced most of the time.  And Micah went around and collected everything he could read from the vendors and hung out on the blanket.  My mom also hung out on the blanket and watched and laughed as Tristen would dance behind people who didn’t know she was there.  But the classic of the night was when we all got back to the blanket, and my mom saw a handfull of older people (50’s - 60’s) near us dancing in a group.  My mom leaned over like she had a secret, but instead she innocently and quietly asked, “Is that a mosh pit?”  Tristen and I cracked up!
