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I figured it was about time to get my rear in gear.  The baby is 7 weeks old, I am no longer working, and it is time to be the homemaker.  I have commited to cooking dinner Monday - Thursday (Friday is date night, Saturday is a free for all, and my mom cooks on Sunday)!  I wouldn’t call myself a culinary genious, but I certainly have a good mentor in my mom.  I started out with homemade BBQ’d hamburgers with all of the fixings and fresh fruit.  They were to die for, and I even added special touches - I stuffed Micah’s with bleu cheese (his favorite) and I buttered and toasted the buns.  BUT I had a plan B.  In case they didn’t turn out the way they were supposed to, I had a sidetracking plan in play.  Micah has said he has been needing some casual business clothes, and a few summer things.  So I went shopping the same day and had a stack of presents ready for him to open.  The beauty of it all is that he loved the burgers AND the clothes!